John Was creates sound-sculptures, installations and audio-visual pieces that bridge the divide between art and music. A composer for many years, John’s acoustic research at prehistoric monuments in the UK such as Stonehenge, Avebury and Maeshowe has fuelled an evolving fascination with sound, structures and environments. This has inspired him to create a range of interactive spatial and object-orientated compositions and animated 3D audio installation art works. As a sound specialist, John also enjoys working collaboratively with other artists.
OXYGEN: Artist Membership Programme
The above artist has enrolled in Kinetica Museum's artist member programme
Kinetica's membership scheme was launched in November 2010, and aims to provide Kinetica with the opportunity to extend it’s artist network whilst fostering emerging talent. Oxygen members are entitled to a profile on the Kinetica Museum’s website, and gain access to Kinetica's interim exhibitions as well as our networks. This year Kinetica is focusing on an international tour, our artist members will have the opportunity to be involved and submit work. For more information on our artist membership scheme, please visit the MEMBERSHIP section on this website.