RueyShiann Shyu launched the mechanical power series in 1997. Shyu sees it as a challenge to combine precision technology with plastic aesthetics. A work of art may be composed of a single or hundreds to thousands of different components; yet, despite this massive complexity, visually it leaves an impression of simplicity. Through various rhythms in the work, based on precise mechanical theories, Shyu tells stories from his cultural background using a poetic approach. Shyu views the absolute precision of mechanical movements as an abstract language. This abstract language may convey a living philosophy which, at times, transcends the visual image of the work. The use of mechanical elements both as a creative medium and as a deeper exploration of the meaning of life, means that Shyu’s machines are infused with living energy, through the rhythm created from the combination of precise components and repetitive mechanical motions. From the initial concept, the design, making of parts, experimentation of mechanical operations, to their final assembly, each and every work in this series has taken two to three years, often more, to create. For Shyu, the creation of a work is more than just an extension of his personal feelings; it is also a vivid representation of the vitality of the individual elements that make up the work.
OXYGEN: Artist Membership Programme
The above artist has enrolled in Kinetica Museum’s artist member programme
Kinetica’s membership scheme was launched in November 2010, and aims to provide Kinetica with the opportunity to extend it’s artist network whilst fostering emerging talent. Oxygen members are entitled to a profile on the Kinetica Museum’s website, and gain access to Kinetica’s interim exhibitions as well as our networks. This year Kinetica is focusing on an international tour, our artist members will have the opportunity to be involved and submit work for the following tour. In December 2013, a group of Kinetica’s Artist Members will be selected for a member’s exhibition in 2014. For more information on our artist membership scheme, please visit the MEMBERSHIP section on this website.