Simon Gudgeon

Simon Gudgeon has a signature smooth style that marvelously concentrates spirit and nature. His minimalist, semi-abstract forms depict both movement and emotion of a moment captured with a visual harmony that is unmistakably his own.

Working directly from nature and live subjects, he crafts sculptures that share an elemental kinship of identity with all living things. He is particularly known for his sculptures of birds in flight, often with ingeniously engineered bases that seem to launch them into the air rather than anchor them to the ground.

Always challenged and excited by the extremes and dynamics of nature, Gudgeon is relentlessly innovative in the studio, aiming to ‘move away from the purely representational towards something that has a deeper subtext and, as it expresses ... thoughts and emotions, is more satisfying to create.

OXYGEN: Artist Membership Programme

The above artist has enrolled in Kinetica Museum's artist member programme

Kinetica's membership scheme was launched in November 2010, and aims to provide Kinetica with the opportunity to extend it’s artist network whilst fostering emerging talent. Oxygen members are entitled to a profile on the Kinetica Museum’s website, and gain access to Kinetica's interim exhibitions as well as our networks. This year Kinetica is focusing on an international tour, our artist members will have the opportunity to be involved and submit work for the following tour. In December 2013, a group of Kinetica’s Artist Members will be selected for a member’s exhibition in 2014. For more information on our artist membership scheme, please visit the MEMBERSHIP section on this website.

