'Transforming from Stardust' - new exhibition by Lorna Carmen McNeill

An exhibition by Kinetica Artist Member Lorna Carmen McNeill incorporating fibreoptic lighting is coming to the Langley Academy, Slough. Lorna’s installation pays homage to Slough based astronomer William Herschel, whose discoveries include identifying the planet Uranus and infra-red technology which has contributed to modern fibreoptics.

The project includes a number of workshops for school students, local residents, including an Age UK choir, a group of emerging artists and the Slough business community. Workshops embrace multiple disciplines including, science, art, maths, religious education, philosophy, ecology and Museum Learning. Workshop participants and groups will be invited to respond creatively to the themes of the exhibition through music, art, song, dance and creative writing.

“The installation enacts the greater enthralling Journey of the Universe within which we all participate. It is a reminder that just as there are specific universal creative processes, they are continuously active inside all of us as well! We are literally made from the same chemical elements as stardust. We are conscious stardust”. _Lorna Carmen McNeill _

The exhibition will be at:

  • The Langley Academy (19th – 30th September): There will be a special opportunity to visit the installation at a private viewing on Friday 30th September at the Langley Academy between 14:10 and 16:00. This will include a talk from the artist and an overview of the life of William Herschel and the context of the project. To book go to Eventbrite http://tinyurl.com/j3spgpn
    Access to the exhibition at other times will be by special request. Contact Jenny Blay jenny.blay@langleyacademy.org, Tel: 01753-214471
  • Langley Academy Primary School (3rd-14th October),
  • Room 350 above Slough Aspire Centre (17th-26th October). Open evening – 20th October 4-8pm – for details contact Lorna: lorna@lornacarmenmcneill.com Tel: 07967 978821

Photos by Jim Carty
Copyright Lorna Carmen McNeill 2016
